Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring gifts. Thank you!
We joyfully receive your gifts to the general budget - or if you prefer - to a specific ministry. Give online using the button below - once on our Tithely giving site, you may select a category from the drop down menu... OR write and mail a check:
make the check out to: "NWWA Synod"
on the memo line of the check please write what the funds are for
mail to ELCA Region 1; PO Box 94432; Seattle, WA 98124-6732
Exploring New Ministries
Ethnic-Specific Ministries
New Faith Gatherings for new, younger, more diverse people: dinner church, wild church, etc.
Expand Partnerships between congregations, neighborhoods, agencies, and denominations
How to give to this category coming soon!
Enhancing Current Ministries
Grace Grants for Innovation
Hunger Grants
Congregation Education and Formation
How to give to this category coming soon!
Supporting Rostered Ministers
Continuing Education Scholarships
Coaching Scholarships
Seminary Education Scholarships, including BIPOC leaders
Seminary Debt Reduction
How to give to this category coming soon!
Empowering Lay Leaders
Supporting Lay Leaders
The LiVE Project: A lay learning community to discern and deepen callings, personally and congregationally. Theologically thoughtful, culturally responsive, and communally engaged.
How to give to this category coming soon!
Diversity + Equity + Inclusion
Rostered Minister education
Lay and congregation education and consultation
Reparation fund for clergy of color
Scholarships for seminarians of color
Worship & Education Materials for non-English speaking communities
How to give to this category coming soon!
Campus Ministry
Connecting with students, staff and faculty
Supporting the campus community
Providing worship, fellowship, and service opportunities on state school campuses