During the May 16-17, 2025 assembly, we will pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we elect a bishop to lead our synod for the next six years.
The nomination period has closed. Thank you to everyone who participated in the nomination period for the Bishop Call process: through prayer, making nominations, or considering the call to serve if you were nominated.
The Bishop Call Process Task Force is pleased to share with you that the Rev. Priscilla Paris-Austin and the Rev. Shelley Bryan Wee have allowed their names to go forward in the process.
Their biographical information can be found linked here for your prayerful review:
On Sunday, May 4, at 3:00 pm, a Zoom webinar will be held for synod assembly voting members to hear from both of the nominees. Due to space limitations, a link to the webinar will be made available after the forum for all non-voting members to watch the recording. (Voting Members, watch for an email with the zoom registration link in April.)
If you have a question that you would like the Task Force to consider for inclusion in this Q&A style forum, please submit it to Pastor Gail Rautmann, Chair, at pastorgail@gloria-dei-lutheran.org. Because of time limitations, we cannot guarantee that all questions will be included in the forum, though we are eager to receive input on the topics that are important to you. Please submit these questions by April 12, for the Task Force’s consideration.
We invite you to hold in prayer the two nominees, our synod, and the Task Force as we prepare for the May 4th forum and the synod assembly on May 16-17. May the Holy Spirit guide this process as we discern God’s future for the Northwest Washington Synod.
Timetable Highlights:
Bishop Call Process Task Force: Pastor Gail S. Rautmann, Chair; John Bumanglag, Deacon Janet Cederberg, Pastor Kristy Daniels, Pastor Paul Eldred, Bill Salen, and Kasey Shultz