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Learning Love: Lenten Journey with bell hooks Course 

6-week course each Thursday evening, 7-8:30pm during Lent (Mar 6- Apr 10) 

This year’s installment of LiVE’s Lenten “Gospel & Culture” series. This Lent, we journey with bell hooks’ book All About Love with a focus on love as a transformative spiritual practice. We’ll gather with participants across congregations for a communal exploration of hooks’ ideas about love. We’ll then seek to integrate her ideas into our Lenten practices of self-examination, repentance, and preparation for Easter. Each session will include a spiritual practice to be taken up during the week, with an emphasis on love in action. 

Guest Facilitators

Professor, author, pastor and thought coach, Rev. Dr. Edward Donalson III, is a visionary with a dynamic message of empowerment. His scholarship centers intersectional theology as an emerging discipline. Dr. Donalson is the Director of Doctor of Ministry for the School of Theology and Ministry of Seattle University and Senior Pastor of Kingdom Family Worship Center Int’l. Last year he co-facilitated LiVE’s Lenten course, Baldwin & Bonhoeffer. 

Barbara McHenry is a Womanist Theologian and ordained Chaplain in the Church of God in Christ. She currently serves as chaplain for Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Systems. Through her prophetic voice, she empowers black women to recognize and affirm the significance of their experiences and faith in shaping the Christian religion within the African-American community and beyond.

Session Schedule:
  • Session 1: Love as Will—Choosing Love Over Fear (March 6) Chapter 1
  • Session 2: Love and Justice—Breaking the Chains of Domination (March 13)  
  • Session 3: Love and Healing—Tending to Our Wounds (March 20) Chapter 7
  • Session 4: Love and Truth—Unlearning Lies, Embracing Honesty (March 27) Chapter 11
  • Session 5: Love and Community—The Call to Interdependence (April 3) Chapter 13
  • Session 6: Love and Liberation—Dying to the Old, Rising to the New (April 10) Epilogue

Registration is FREE if your church purchased a Congregational Bundle. Ask your church office for the Bundle coupon code. Without a bundle, individual registrations are $50.

Register HERE (new link:

Upon registering, you’ll receive an invitation to our Online Learning Platform for course material, zoom links, and online discussion. 

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