Friday, May 16, 1pm-8pm and Saturday, May 17, 9am-4pm
- This will be a two-day event at the Edward D Hansen Conference Center in Everett.
- We gather under the theme WOVEN INTO GOD'S STORY, Gal 3:26-29.
- We will gather as a synod for worship, hear reports from our synod and churchwide leaders, hold elections, discuss resolutions, celebrate ministry anniversaries, share in conversation around our theme of being woven into God's story, and a few fun surprises.
- Additionally, we will be identifying a person to serve as bishop for the next 6 years. For more information on the bishop call process, see this page on our website.
- A note from your synod council: next year - 2026 - will be a Gathering Year instead of an assembly year. However, we have a few items of business to attend to. So, in addition to the May 2025 dates, Assembly Voting Members will be asked to return for a brief special online meeting in May of 2026. This limited-agenda meeting will include the election of synod vice president and synod secretary. Please keep these additional dates in mind as you seek out potential voting members from your ministry site. Thank you!
- Each congregation / worshiping community is to review the Lay Voting Allotment Chart in the download section below - and make plans now to elect lay voting members to attend the assembly. Read the 2/4 email with key details & registration info HERE
- Cost per voting member is $175 (fee includes program, Friday dinner and Saturday Lunch) Visitor rate is $150
Registration is open NOW through April 1 - REGISTER HERE
- Orientation - Thursday, May 1, 7pm
- Meet the Bishop Nominees - Sunday, May 4, 3pm
- Budget Hearing - Mon May 5, 7pm
- Resolutions Hearing - Wednesday, May 7, 7pm
GENERAL ELECTION - Synod Council and Committee Nominations/Elections
- We will be electing persons to serve on the Synod Council, the Committee on Discipline, and the Consultation Committee. The Synod Nominating Committee has identified at least one person for each open role. If you wish to also nominate someone, learn more about these roles HERE and make a nomination by April 1st, HERE.
- Please review THIS DOCUMENT and utilize the format for submitting resolutions to be considered at the May 16-17, 2025 Northwest Washington Synod Assembly.
- Please submit your resolution as a WORD document by April 1, 2025. Attach any other documents in digital form for any explanation or rationale you would like to include.
- The Reference & Counsel Committee will review and evaluate all resolutions in accordance with the Standing Rules. You will receive confirmation from the committee that they have received your resolution – and whether it has been approved to go to the assembly, or if there are changes needed.
- We will be hosting an online resolutions hearing on May 7 at 7pm to provide resolution authors an opportunity to discuss the resolutions with assembly voting members ahead of the assembly.
Offering gathered up at the assembly will be share evenly with these four ministries:
- Lutheran Disaster Response
- Bishop's Caring Fund - supports health and well-being of rostered leaders and candidates
- The Synod's LiVE Project - lay ministry formation
- Synod Emerging & Strategic Ministries
MEETING MATERIALS - will be posted as available
- Should you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact the Synod Office 206-783-9292 or
- Agenda
- Standing Rules
- Roberts Rules
- Officer Reports
- Proposed Budget
- Resolutions
- General Election Nominee Packet
Committee and Ministry Partner Reports - coming soon
- Camp Lutherwood
- Global Refuge
- Godly Play
- Living Water
- Lutheran Campus Ministry at UW
- Lutheran Community Services Northwest
- Lutheran Counseling Network
- Mission Investment Fund
- Mission to Seafarers
- Pacific Lutheran University
- Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
- Portico
- Synod Personnel Committee
- Synod Team Russia
- and more!
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