Our Synod is in partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia (ELCER). Team Russia is our Synod's task force, working to forge bonds on three levels: synod to synod, congregation to congregation (partners), and person to person (friendship). Want to know more? Contact the synod office and we will put you in touch!
The 2022 Synod Trip to Russia has been postponed indefinitely. Our prayers arise for all who are suffering in the midst of the crisis in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. We pray for our siblings in our Companion Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia (ELCER). (See news below)
Read the HISTORY of our Parthership HERE.
KIT Project - Outreach to Russia
- KIT supports children and youth with physical and mental challenges
- Watch this video created for one of our congregations who were collecting an offering for the K.I.T. program of our companion synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia.
- Find additional information in the download section below
- Find more videos here