Children, Youth, and Family Cohort

We are excited to announce another year where children and youth leaders gather to collaborate and share ideas, experiences, trainings, and resources in CYF ministry. We are excited to announce that this year we are meeting for three retreats. The retreats are from 9:00am – 2:00pm and include lunch. We are exploring the topics of Belonging, Engaging, and Celebrating using the resources “Design for Belonging”, “Growing Young”, and others. Join us as we dive deeper into these topics and how these are at the core of all ministries. We encourage you to bring your volunteers to these as well. More details about the fall retreat on October 12th are available below. If you are unable to attend the first retreat, no worries! You can still sign up for the Cohort and join us for other events and retreats.

Join us as we gather to support and encourage one another in the pursuit of sharing the Gospel with children, youth, and families. To be a part of this group, please complete our registration form

If you have any questions, contact Becky at

OUR FIRST RETREAT IS... CYF Cohort: Belonging Retreat - Saturday, October 12 | 9:00am – 2:00pm at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Everett

When you think of belonging what comes to mind? Welcoming? Community? To truly feel belonging is challenging, to offer a space and programming that instills and encourages it is even more challenging. 

All CYF staff, lay leaders, or general supporters are invited to participate in the first of a three part retreat series about how we can help to better create spaces, events, and opportunities for the youth of our congregations and community. The first of these series will focus on Belonging, using the book Design for Belonging as inspiration. Activities will be interactive and collaborative with conversations revolving around how to foster a long-lasting community and culture of inclusion, acceptance, and honesty in our youth and families. From the church walls and beyond! 

The retreat is from 9:00am – 2:00pm at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Everett. Lunch will be served for a suggested $10 donation.

Please sign-up at so we have enough supplies and lunch.

Questions? Email Becky at