NWWA Synod Assessment Team Invitation
At Synod Assembly in 2022 the Northwest Washington Synod passed a resolution calling on the ELCA to conduct a comprehensive audit of its governing documents, especially with an eye to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility. The NWWA Synod council, believing that such an audit or assessment, if important to be conducted at the Churchwide level, is also important at the Synod level, has begun work with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training to conduct an Institutional Racial Equity Assessment.
The first step of the Assessment is the naming of an Assessment Team. This team will be asked to work with Crossroads facilitators to apply a power analysis to the institution, survey stakeholders, and conduct interviews. It will present a report of its findings, strategic recommendations, and a plan for implementation to the organization’s leadership and decision-making bodies. Crossroads recommends the Assessment Team be created with balance in terms of gender identity, sex, race, ability, and sexual orientation as well as representation from the staff, board, wider community, and historically marginalized communities.
The NWWA Synod is now actively recruiting interested parties for this work. In addition to our synod staff and the Synod Council, we would like to invite others with minds and hearts open to engaging in this kind of equity work. All team members will participate in a full day virtual orientation, as well as several other digital workshops and webinars. It will be a significant time commitment.
If you are interested in joining our Assessment Team, please fill out this form by January 2.
THANK YOU for considering this opportunity!