- Grace Lutheran Church (Bellevue), gave the synod council a percentage of their proceeds when they closed their ministry in 2019. The synod council, in turn, launched a 3-year Grace Grants program to invest $100,000 grants each year to congregations and ministry sites doing faithful innovation in one or more of four focus areas.
- We rejoice that we were able to extend the grants for a fourth year!
- This year’s focus areas were Ministry Innovation, Equity and Justice for Marginalized Communities, Community Inclusion and Belonging, and Youth & Young Adult.
- The committee was impressed by the 41 grant applications they received, as well as the variety of projects proposed. So many excellent ideas for serving God’s people through ministries of the Northwest Washington Synod! That combined with a total of $109,400 to award and requests of nearly $500,000 complicated our decision-making.
- THANK YOU to all who applied!
Please find the 2023 recipient list in the download section below.
- This brings the total distribution of funds, over the four years, to $559,442.07.
- THANKS BE TO GOD for generosity!