What is LiVE?
  • LiVE (rhymes with "give") is a lay ministry of the NW WA synod- ELCA, forming Christian leaders able to make sense of our place in God’s world.
  • LiVE is Theological Thoughtful, Culturally Responsive, and Communally Engaged.
  • LiVE offers a flexible, hybrid-style of learning with various levels of engagement, including multi-week zoom courses, one-day in-person retreats, interactive cohorts, and the Lay Ministry 2-year formation program.
  • Read more about engagement levels HERE
  • View our 2024 Report HERE
Upcoming Events
2024-25 LiVE Course Offerings (Course Catalog HERE)

Purchase a Congregational Bundle HERE!  

Find recordings of our 2023-24 events on our Online Learning Platform

Connect Further
Lay Formation
  • Lay Ministry Formation (LMF) is a 2-year, cohort-based certification program for lay leaders who wish to deepen their sense of God’s call to ministry in various vocation and ministry contexts.
Join our Mighty Networks Learning Platform HERE
LiVE Facebook Group 
LiVE Instagram