Congregational Admin Resources

Financial Resources & Policies

Rostered Minister Annual Report to Synod Bishop

  • Find the forms here
  • Each January all rostered ministers are asked to complete this report.
  • These forms allow the rostered minister to share information with the bishop AND help the synod office keep our records up to date.

Personnel Policies & Resources

Addiction Resources

  • Alcohol Audit - strictly for alcohol use. It is a brief test/self-questionaire to help people understand if they might have an alcohol use disorder. It is not a fail safe test, an assessment is always a good follow up
  • DAST - brief drug abuse screening test for all substances, would need a much longer substance use assessment for follow up
  • SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration) - resource for anyone who wants to know more about substance abuse and substance use disorders

 Need something else? Reach out HERE - we are here to help!