Everyone in the United States has certain rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, regardless of immigration status. Given the heightened levels of uncertainty and fear in our communities, noncitizens and citizens alike may require even greater accompaniment and comprehensive support during this time and months ahead. Depending on someone’s individual circumstances it may make sense to speak with a lawyer for more specialized assistance. The resources/events linked below can help communities stay generally informed, prepared, and united in support of immigrant neighbors. We will do our best to update this list. If you have an addition to share, please email office@lutheransnw.org.
Read the letter from Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee and the other ELCA Region One Bishops here.
Read the letter from Bishop Wee and Ecumenical Partners HERE.
View the video from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elisabeth Eaton here.
The ELCA’s strategy of Accompanying Migrants with Protection, Advocacy, Representation, and Opportunities (AMMPARO) was envisioned after witnessing the plight of migrants who are forced to flee their communities for complex and interrelated reasons, including chronic violence, poverty, environmental displacement, and lack of opportunities. It is a holistic, whole church commitment by the ELCA, as a church in the world, to accompany migrant families today and in the future. Learn more, stay connected, and get involved here: https://www.elca.org/our-work/relief-and-development/ammparo (You can follow AMMPARO on Facebook HERE)
These partners also offer resources, trainings, and ways to advocate
- Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services)
- Lutheran Community Services Northwest (and their program Refugees Northwest)
- Faith Action Network (our multifaith partnership that advocates for just, compassionate, and sustainable communities through public action - for further resources, go to the website of our national ELCA Lutheran Public Policy Office in Washington, D.C.)
- Church Council of Greater Seattle (resources for solidarity & mutual accountability with migrant neighbors)
- Poor People's Campaign (addresses justice for those at the margins)
Additional links:
- AMMPARO Know Your Rights
- Resources from 2/12 Webinar
- 8 Things Churches Should Do in 2025 - Patheos article
- What to Do if ICE Comes to Your Church - Sojourners article
- Know Your Rights: Expedited Removal Expansion
- Know Your Rights Red Cards (multiple languages)
- Know Your Rights Safety Planning
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center
- National Immigration Project
- Immigration Advocates Network
- Guidance to Non-Profits Regarding Immigration Enforcement
- ACLU Guide on "Sanctuary" Places of Worship
- Know Your Rights Under the U.S. Constitution
- Step-by-Step Guide to Verify the Validity of a Judicial Warrant
- Protocols for Staff and Volunteers Engaged in Mission and Ministry
- Immigration is a Hunger Issue - Bread for the World
- Welcoming, Protecting, and Preparing: A Congregational Guide (These resources were developed by Southeastern Iowa Synod in consultation with information provided by AMMPARO, ILRC.org, IMMJ, and immigration and criminal justice attorneys)
- Resource Guide for Refugees from Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in Kirkland