LiVE Retreat - Healing Creation: Sacred Hope in Action
Hope, active in love, provokes us to join in God’s work of healing creation. Grounded in the image of the Tree of Life in Revelation, Biblical scholar Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing will explore how God’s creation prompts us into action and calls the church into a more expansive identity. Rev. Erik Kindem and members of the Peace Lutheran Creation Care Team will explore ways to connect the dots between our worship life and the natural world, as well as offer practical actions for daily life. Come, be inspired by these, and other leaders whose hearts beat for restorative justice and the healing of God's creation.
Barbara Rossing is a Professor Emerita of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and an avid environmentalist. She served as pastor of a congregation in Minnesota, director for Global Mission Interpretation for the American Lutheran Church, pastor at Holden Village, and chaplain at Harvard University Divinity School. As a public theologian her media appearances have included “CBS Sixty Minutes” as well as The History Channel and National Geographic.
Rev. Erik P. Kindem was ordained in 1986. For five years he served as Pastor/Director of Lutheran Ministry with Native Americans, working with Karuk, Yurok, Hupa and Wiyot Tribal communities in Northwestern California. Subsequent calls include parishes in Portland, OR, LaCenter, WA, and West Seattle, where he has served as pastor of Peace Lutheran Church since 2005. Among his deepest passions is connecting the dots between Lutheran sacramental life and the natural world.
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