Living into Vocational Engagement (LiVE) is our latest innovative initiative of the Northwest Washington Synod. Our hope is to connect lay leaders in a shared journey of learning together, and toward creating community among other congregational leaders throughout our synod. We’d like to connect with folks in your congregation who are passionate about the church, faith formation, mission, and deepening their Christian faith.
The LiVE board has been doing extensive planning during covid to provide learning courses for lay leaders. If you are interested and would like to learn more please consider joining us for four opportunities to learn more, two zoom online options, and two in-person options. You might also consider these opportunities as additional ways your congregation does faith formation for the year. Our meeting will introduce you to the LiVE Project, the learning opportunities for 2021-2022, some of our teaching facilitators, as well as details for what involvement for you individually or congregationally might mean. Visit us at our synod website:
ONE more session available:
If you are interested or have questions feel free to contact us at, or