Opportunities in our Synod and beyond
Openings for pastor/deacon calls here!
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How to add an open position
We will post your open positions for 6 weeks (or less if you let us know...) If you would like to add a listing, please email Susan the following:
- name of position
- full time or part time
- name of church/ministry and city
- a link to your website where position description/how to apply may be found
- application deadline
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Office Manager
- Part Time (25-30 hours/week) at Faith Lutheran Church in NE Seattle
- Learn more here faithseattle.org OR email pastor@faithseattle.org
- application deadline: March 28, 2025
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Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministry
- Full-time | $45-$50K PLUS 2 bed/1.5bath Townhome
- Grace Lutheran Church, Palo Alto, CA
- Details on website, apply by April 30 - www.gracepa.org
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Administrative Assistant
- Part-time at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church in Bellevue
- Learn more about the position - and how to apply here: https://www.crossofchristbellevue.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Administrative-Assistant-Posting.pdf
- open until filled
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Facility Use Monitor
- Part-time at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church in Bellevue
- Leran more about the position - and how to apply here: https://www.crossofchristbellevue.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Facility-Use-Monitor-Posting.pdf
- open until filled
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Director for Advancement
- Full time at Holden Village
- Oversees all fundraising, outreach, and communications efforts, manages a team of five or more to execute the work, and collaborates with staff across departments. The Director for Advancement works with the Board of Directors, particularly the Advancement Committee, to determine priorities, cultivate relationships with current and prospective donors and supporters, and actively engage in acquiring gifts. The Director for Advancement is a member of the senior leadership team and participates in making strategic decisions about Holden Village.
- Learn more about this position and how to apply here: https://www.holdenvillage.org/position/4421-2/
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- Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA) located on Mercer Island, is auditioning singers and instrumentalists to support its expanding musical offerings in worship. Musicians should be comfortable with both solo and ensemble performance in a wide variety of musical styles – from traditional hymnody and contemporary Christian songs to folk, jazz and world music. Musicians are paid a stipend ranging from $100 to $125 per service (which includes music preparation, and an approximately one-hour rehearsal prior to the service time). Frequency of scheduling is flexible. This may include one to two Sundays per month, seasonal midweek services or other opportunities. Holy Trinity www.htlcmi.org is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which means that we welcome all (LGBTQIA+) to join us in worship, mission and fellowship and are committed to racial equity. You do not need to be a member of HTLC to apply. If interested, please go to the following link: https://forms.gle/FPr6nup4MqF3ZYS19
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Music Director
- Part-Time; 25-hours per week, flexible
- at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church of Port Angeles, WA
- Find the position description and how to apply here: www.go2trinity.org
- Open until filled, First Review 02/18/2025
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CYF and Communications Coordinator
- Full-time at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Kennewick, WA
- Learn more and how to apply here: https://thelordoflife.org/job-opportunity/
- Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until filled
- NOTE: this position is open to lay and rostered individuals.
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Music Director/Pianist/Organist
- Part time at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Snohomish (10-15 hours per week)
- Select, prepare and play all piano music (organ, guitar and other instruments are
desirable) for traditional/blended ELCA Lutheran worship service and special programs
that align with scripture readings and liturgical season. (Weekly Sunday Worship Services, special seasonal services, weddings and funerals) - Support special music programs and events. Coordinate and select choir music and accompany choir during church services and practices. Collaborate with Pastor and worship team. Identify, recruit, nurture and develop musical groups within the church.
Compensation - $13,000-$19,000/year (benefits are negotiable within the total Compensation) Also includes 4 paid Sunday Service vacation days/year, Sick leave/bereavement, - To apply, please send resume to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 5511 64th st. SE, Snohomish, WA 98290
Phone : 425-334-1220 / Email: swanstrail@outlook.com
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- Part time position (15-20 hours/week) at First Lutheran of West Seattle
- The organist is expected to play for all Sunday services, as well as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Great Vigil of Easter and other festivals occasionally. The organist attends all choir rehearsals during the program year, and plays for all weddings and funerals held at the church.
- Familiarity with a mechanical action/tracker pipe organ (1976 two manual pedal Noack organ with 23 ranks in gallery & a 2002 one manual Noack chapel pedal organ with 4 ranks). The position requires roughly 15-20 hours a week, annual salary 17K to 25K based on qualifications and experience. We also desire a candidate with an AGO playing certificate or 3-5 years private organ study, and experience regularly playing traditional liturgical worship.
- Please send resume First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, 4105 California Avenue SW, Seattle, 98116, 206-935-6530, email Steve Liang s.liang@flcws.org or Pastor Bryon Hansen, b.hansen@flcws.org
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Various Positions at Compass Housing Alliance
At Compass, our team is deeply driven by our mission, vision, and values and we seek to offer stability, growth, and community in all we do. Whether we work in direct service or in support of the mission in administration and operations, we’re all seeking to better our community. We’re looking to welcome people to our team that are passionate, skilled, and enjoy a little light-heartedness in their work environment. Consider joining our team - find a current listing of openings here: https://www.compasshousingalliance.org/employment/