Northwest Washington Synod Council
  • The council, meeting every other month, serves as the board of directors and the interim legislative authority in bewteen Synod Assemblies. They provide vision, support, and resources so that congregations and other ministries can carry out their mission. Question for the council? Contact our VP by email.
  • Bishop - Rev. Shelley Bryan Wee Faith, Everett (2025) #
  • Vice President - Kay Edgerton, Nativity, Renton (2026) #
  • Secretary - Rev. Netsie Griffith, Faith, Bellingham (2026) #
  • Treasurer - Bart Brosten, Phinney Ridge, Seattle (2024) #
  • Deacon Luke Allgeyer, Columbia City of Hope, Seattle (2027)
  • Rev. Andy Arnold, Shepherd of the Valley, Maple Valley (2027)
  • Sherianne Caldwell, Immanuel, Seattle (2027)
  • Salvador Cossio, Grace, Des Moines (2025)
  • Rev. Paul Eldred,Central, Seattle (2027)
  • Rev. Hector Garfias-Toledo, Trinity, Lynnwood (2025)
  • David Kinner (youth term is 2-years) Pointe of Grace, Mukilteo (2026)
  • Shane Lambing, Pointe of Grace (2025) #
  • Sam Martinez, Christ the Servant, Bellingham (2027)
  • Cindy Shultz, Emmaus Table at 7400 Woodlawn, Seattle (2025) #
  • Rev. Sam Sseba, Prince of Peace, Seatac (2027) #
  • Dan Squires, Our Savior's, Everett (2027)
  • Elizabeth Stitt, Prince of Peace, Shoreline (2027)
  • The Executive Committee, noted above with a #, meets monthly and provides guidance for the council and leadership between synod council meetings.


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Synod Committees

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(Contact the synod office to connect with those committees that are unlinked.)